A Thanksgiving for God's Provision of Land

A Thanksgiving for God's Provision of Land


Bathing in the sacred glow, the hearts of all the pastors and congregation members of AFC Church Mae Sot overflow with boundless gratitude towards the loving and great God! Looking back on the past eleven years of pioneering and weathering the storms together, we are deeply moved by God's grace. It is He who has led us out of our struggles, granted us hope, and ultimately brought about this immense blessing! At this moment, let us, with the utmost sincerity, offer our highest praises to God!

Eleven Years Past: Hardships and Hope on the Road of Wandering

Since our establishment in 2013 by God's grace, AFC Church Mae Sot has been like a lone boat, drifting on foreign lands. We have moved from one venue to another, searching for a spiritual home where we could rest our souls. The simple facilities and frequent relocations posed numerous challenges to the normal operation and development of the church. However, in the midst of adversity, we have never given up our faith and hope in God. We deeply know that all of this is God's allowance. He will surely mold our unwavering faith through trials and lead us to the path of blessings.

God's Immense Grace: The Joy of Dreams Coming True

Over the past eleven years, we have always prayed with unwavering faith, longing for a land of our own. Countless days and nights, we offered fervent prayers to God, entrusting our desires and hopes to His presence. Finally, God's promise descended like a gentle rain, and our prayers were answered! We were filled with immense joy and gratitude upon learning that we finally had a piece of land of our own! This is truly God's immense blessing, a sign of our favor! At this moment, our hearts overflow with immense joy and gratitude!

Gratitude and Vision: Embarking on a New Journey

Owning this precious land means that we can finally make our dreams come true! We will build a glorious church on this land, where God's name will be spread to more people. We will carefully plan and meticulously construct, making this church God's dwelling place and a spiritual home for believers. Here, we will warmly welcome every soul who thirsts for God, share God's love and salvation with them, lead them to turn to the Lord, and experience the joy and growth of faith together with us.

In order to achieve the dream of building the chruch, we still need to continue raising funds. Therefore, we earnestly ask all brothers and sisters in Christ to continue to pray for us and donate their love to help us complete the construction of the church as soon as possible and add brilliance to God's glory!

Glory to God, Gratitude to All

We deeply know that all of this is God's grace! Without God's guidance and care, all our efforts would be in vain. Therefore, we hereby offer our most sincere gratitude to God! At the same time, we would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all brothers and sisters in Christ who have made contributions to the development of the church! Thank you for your love and dedication, thank you for serving God with us wholeheartedly! May God bless you, and may all your requests be granted!


Let us continue to serve God wholeheartedly and work for the Lord, so that God's glory may shine even brighter! We will use this land as a new starting point, embark on a new journey with full confidence, and contribute our strength to the kingdom of God! We also implore everyone to continue to pray for us, donate their love, and help us build the church as soon as possible and spread the gospel for God!

AFC Church Mae Sot
Email: afcchurchmaesot@gmail.com
Website: https://www.afcchurchmaesot.com/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/AFCchurchMaeSot
