Education in Turbulent Times

Due to the war and air strikes, many students had to hold classes outdoors because their schools had been burned down.

It has been reported that many schools have been burned down due to arson, and students from schools that have been closed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to face the loss of educational opportunities due to fleeing conflict zones.

These refugees not only have strong willpower as parents, but also their children have strong willpower. Without schools, they learn under trees, and without classrooms, they sit on the ground to study. Although they do not have the conditions to learn, as long as there are books, they will read on their own and try to complete their courses as much as possible.

The article was shared from Myanmar Chinese Golden Phoenix News.
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Reading this article, I feel a deep sense of pain and heartbreak for these children. We all know that childhood is supposed to be the happiest time of a person's life, but when we see the lives of these children, we realize how unfair the world can be.

Imagine that most children live in an environment of abundance, with the love and attention of their parents and a bright future ahead of them. But these children do not have such happiness. They live in poverty and hardship, without enough food and water, without a safe and warm place to live, and even without the opportunity to attend school.

When we sit in class and feel that learning is boring and dull, have we ever thought about the desire of these children to study and learn? They may not just be pursuing a diploma, but rather trying to change their impoverished fate and pursue the life they want. However, due to the lack of basic resources and support, their dreams often become an unattainable illusion.

Knowledge is power. Education is the key, and only through learning can we change the future. 

In these turbulent times, the children around us may have gone through similar experiences as those in war-torn regions. We are grateful to be living in an environment that, despite its unrest, does not require us to risk our lives to receive an education.

May we, the readers fortunate enough to live in times of peace, cherish our current safe and happy educational environment, and understand the importance of equipping ourselves through hard work and education, so that we can share our blessings with those in need.


Let's pray together:

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we come before you today, we are reminded of the power of knowledge and the critical role that education plays in shaping our lives and the future of our world. We thank you for the gift of education and the countless opportunities we have had to learn and grow.

We also come before you with heavy hearts as we think of the many children around the world who do not have access to education, who are denied the opportunity to learn and grow because of conflict, poverty, or injustice. We pray that you would be with these children, that you would provide them with the resources they need to pursue their education and that you would protect them from harm as they seek to better their lives and their communities.

Help us to remember the blessings we have received and to use our knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in the lives of others. May we be inspired to serve those in need, to reach out to those who are struggling, and to share our blessings with those who are less fortunate.

We pray that you would guide us as we seek to use our education to make a difference in our world. May we always remember that the power of knowledge comes not from what we know but from how we use it to serve others and to build a better world.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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